Thursday, January 30, 2014

New Year - New Blog - New Commitment



I was particularly eager to turn the last page on the 2013 calendar and welcome the new year.  2013 was not a good one for me, and I was looking forward to that sparkly feel of new beginnings.  I do not look forward to New Year’s Resolutions, however. In my life, vowing to abstain from things one cannot imagine going 24 hours without, or promising to change one’s sedentary ways and take up cross country skiing generally results in all manner of overindulging come March (or sooner).  So when my friend, Beth, suggested her ‘Drop And Give Me Twenty’ challenge, I immediately demurred.  But I could not get it out of my head.  The challenge goes something like this – you commit to 20 minutes of sewing every day for the month of February.  And it seems there are prizes involved.  Hmmm, promising to do something I love, that I whine I do not have enough time for, that is part of my ‘real job’?  And I get rewarded for it?  Can that girl throw down a gauntlet, or what?!

Now, with normal New Year’s Resolutions, there are always side tasks that go with it – if you have vowed to drop that extra poundage, there is the daily weighing-in and recording (in pencil) your weight.  If you commit to not eating chocolate, there are wrappers to hide.  With this exercise, you post your progress, so I will have to get friendly with my cell phone’s camera – something I have avoided. 
I suspect this will be a bit like other commitments – we all start off with good intentions, and then about the middle of the month (or sooner) ‘life’ will happen, and I will fall behind.  But really, what is the worst that could happen? – “I’m sorry, honey, I didn’t have time to make dinner, I had to sew.  Let’s go out tonight.”  That doesn’t sound so bad.  (Interesting aside – Let’s Go Out Tonight is the title of one of my newest patterns!). 
Let's Go Out Tonight
Maybe I will make up an emergency Stitch Kit to put in my purse so I can get some sewing in while waiting at appointments, and put a quilt that needs to be bound next to the television (goodness knows, I have a few of those around!).
So here is my COMMITMENT:
I hereby vow to take part in DAGMT, beginning February 1, 2014.  I plan to accomplish the following:
1. A Cupcakes! sample
2. Hand finish a bowling shirt (more about that later)
3. Work on a new design that is kicking around in my head
4. Various hand work projects that are portable
5. Who the heck knows what else?!

So wish me luck – and consider taking part yourself!  You can read more about it HERE



  1. You did it! Wooooooooo! So happy to have you along and it may be a skeleton, but this looks great.

  2. Wishing you the luck you requested and looking forward to seeing more from you! mm

  3. Great start to your blog! I look forward to seeing updates on your progress this month!

  4. OOooo-I'm intrigued by your pattern-Let's go out tonight!

    1. It is actually much easier than it looks. Pretty slick ruler work.

  5. Love the new pattern and blog. I'll be following your blog.

